Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"You're getting big!"

The title of this blog is something that I've heard a lot of lately! Lets just say that this is something that can only be said when a woman is pregnant! However, even pregnant, it takes me aback sometimes. "You're big for ___ weeks." That's another one. Sometimes I have to remind myself  that to be getting bigger while pregnant is a beautiful thing and what's best for my baby (and inevitable!). I am so very blessed to be pregnant with my third-and with a girl!

I have always loved pregnancy and with the boys it was easy sailing. But this sweet little girl is taking a toll on her mommy! I was very sick until exactly 20 weeks. I had a good 6 week break of feeling great, but once 27 weeks hit I felt crummy again and still do. And I'm just not going to mention a few of the other nasty things going on! Only my closest of friends and family know what's going on there! :)  One of my great friends, Sabrina, said that her doctor told her (when pregnant with twins) that girls take the beauty away from their mommies. Awesome! But you know what, in everything, I am ecstatic and enjoying this time being pregnant. I'm not sure if the hubby is going to go for number 4 so I better enjoy this! I cherish every movement, every kick, every hiccup!

Carter is very excited about baby sister! He asks about her often and asks when she's coming out. He loves to touch my stomach and listen to the heartbeat (borrowed a heart doppler from a friend!). He and Carson will often times go into her room to play and run around. They'll bring their soccer goals in her room and play for quite awhile. I catch Carter looking at her sonogram picture in a frame that's on her dresser. His smile is the sweetest! Anything I eat or drink he asks, "baby sister eating/drinking that?" He's going to be a great big brother! Carson is going to be a good big brother too, but I'm pretty sure he's not going to know what hit him! He's a pretty big momma's boy! He's interested in my stomach and talks about "baby" but it's short lived. He's enthralled with my bulging belly button! I have a couple friends with baby girls and the boys are both very sweet with the girls. So I have no doubt that our sweet little girl is going to be very loved by her big brothers! And lets not forget, very protected!

Below are belly pictures of me at 32 weeks with all the kids. I'm not sure why with the boys I always showed my belly and with baby sister I don't.

32 Weeks with Carter

32 Weeks with Carson

32 Weeks Baby Sister
(Looking tired! Pic taken at 11 PM!)

32 Weeks Baby Sister

1 comment:

  1. Baby Girl has not taken the beauty from her momma! Love ya friend and can't wait to meet her!
