Monday, September 9, 2013

Officially A Soccer Mom!

Carter had his first soccer practice on Saturday! I signed him up for YMCA soccer a couple weeks ago and told him that he was finally going to be on a soccer team with other kids his age. His reaction? "No, mommy, I want to play with Tally Hall and the Houston Dynamo."  And can I just say he was matter of fact?! I guess he's got some pretty lofty goals! The kid is crazy about soccer, especially the Houston Dynamo.
The league he's on only has 2 practices before the season starts and then it will just be games every Saturday morning. His first practice went pretty well. I was actually surprised at how well he listened to the coach. We don't do drills at home, just basically running around kicking the ball in the goals! So when they started to do drills I was curious to see how he would do. Lets just say that after nap we practiced a little bit more and copied the drills! :) Crazy mom, I know! All in all, I'd say it was a great first practice and I look forward to spending my Saturday mornings cheering for my sweet boy on the soccer field! I must admit, however, that there was a tad bit of a sting in my heart when I looked out at him and realized how fast he's growing up. Time is flying by and there are many moments I wish I could freeze and enjoy a little bit longer!
There were quite a few water breaks. At 9:00 am it was a scorcher

Go Carter! 


A little strategy talk with his buddy, Josiah! 

Ok, mom & dad, it's time to go home. I'm hot and tired! 

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