Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kinley's room is finally done!

I am super excited about this post! Kinley's room is FINALLY finished. Project K's Room started back in August when my bestie Abby came to visit. You see, when Abby comes to visit Matt gets a little nervous because we just have to do a project.  This usually means that it's more expensive for me than for for Abby when she comes to visit!!  Her trip this year was perfect timing! We found out we were having a girl so I could finally make room arrangements and have her help me out with it.  We got right to it, going to pick paint colors and have it all painted within a day. I do have to say that it was Matt's final decision to do the pink wall. Abby and I were back and forth on the idea so we left it up to him.  I think he made the right decision! 
Abby and I do not waste time when we're doing a project together. As the room was being painted, we went to Ikea to pick up the dresser and a couple other odds and ends. We were going to get as much of this room done as possible while she was here! (Matt's observation of the two of us: We have a glow the whole time we're together! We LOVE organizing, cleaning and labeling!ha) Now, if any of you have ever put anything together from Ikea you know that it is time consuming. It took Abby and I 6 hours to put that stupid dresser together! Matt was in and out and "watching" kids. He tried to stay away!
At 9:30 the night before she left, we went to meet someone in the Walmart parking lot to pick up the crib I found on craigslist. Like I said, we're pretty determined and we were thrilled when we finally received a call back on 1 of the 3 cribs I called on. We were up late putting the crib together and doing last minute things.  It was a very successful 6 days together! Already planning my next project when she comes in August! :)
The room has been a work in progress over the last several months. It has been a pretty big collaboration of ideas and help! I hope you love it as much as Kinley and I do!

Princess Kinley's Room!
My favorite pieces! I had the monogram idea as soon
as I found out we were having a girl. It was my friend Stacy's idea to frame it. 

The frame is from Hobby Lobby and was a pain in the butt! It was
spray painted & sanded & painted & sanded so many times to get it just right!
My neighbor, Shelley had it decorated but things kept falling off and I
was just not happy with the inconsistencies in the paint. Thank you, Shelly,
for putting up with me! Love you!
Monogram is from Etsy. (League of Letters) I added some rhinestones
and a pretty flower .
Small rhinestone art for the corners. Just a little bling!
The shelving is from Ikea and the canvas is from Hobby Lobby.
Sweet verse for Miss K.

Be strong in the Lord, sweet girl. The other one says
Princess, Daughter of a King. 
Ikea Dresser. The lamp and mirror are from Home Goods. 
I still love looking at her sonogram picture. A sweet reminder
of how God was forming her in my womb. 

All those headbands! I also had to frame the sweetest
picture of Carter & Carson meeting their sister for the first time!
A good picture of the chandelier, also purchased at Ikea.   
I LOVE this! Not only great for Kinley, but something
I should remember too.  The poster was purchased on Etsy. (IScreen YouScreen)
I made this bow holder a few months before she was born.
There was a different letter on there,however, because I was certain
she would have an M name! Later replaced it with a K!

She has been blessed by so many of my friends who have given
her clothes. Those two bins on the right are full of shoes! Her dresser
is also packed with lots of clothes! 
Every little girl needs a feather wreath, right?! I added the K & silver flower
Big shout out goes to my mother-in-love, Judy! She recovered the cushions to that chair. When they
were here in November I put her to work! She worked hard to make sure it was perfect for Kinley! Matt and his dad also painted the chair white.  I am so happy with how it turned out. It looks great in her room!
I think Miss Kinley loves her room as much as mommy! 


  1. Love the pink and gray! Very classy :)

  2. LOVE this! I totally wanted my bathroom pink and grey someday but I'm loving it for Kinley! Can't wait to see it in April :)

  3. I love it! We are doing our nursery in gray & white also.

  4. So pretty and sweet! I especially love all the verses and plauques you chose... Can't wait to see you!

  5. Jaclyn, it is so beautiful. I love the poster - I want to tattoo it on my forehead! Seriously, I would like one for my girls' room too. ; )
