Sunday, February 3, 2013

Photos In The Park!

Any one who knows me knows that I love pictures! I think I'm in the running for crazy picture lady with my auntie Bonnie! So anytime anyone offers to take pictures of my family for fun you can bet I'll be on board! A sweet woman from my Bible study asked if she could come take pictures of Carter and Carson early January. The perfect place to photograph two small, active boys? The park! They had so much fun just playing around and Elvia captured some great shots! I wish I could display every single picture she took around the house but I'm thinking Matt would not approve! Here's some of my favorites! 


  1. Fun pictures of your cuties! Miss you guys... :)

    1. Miss you too!! Can't believe you're not right around the corner anymore :(

  2. Adorable!! I'm so excited you have a blog!
