Monday, August 5, 2013

Celebrating 7 Years of Marriage!

I can't believe Matt and I have been married for 7 years! I am so blessed to be married to a man who truly loves unconditionally, shows me love, tells me he loves me a million times a day, laughs with me, lends his shoulder to cry on, helps out, works, and loves God. He's a man who would rather spend time with me and the boys than go out. He's a man who keeps no record of wrongs, forgives without hesitation.  He's a man that keeps me laughing, even when I don't want him to be funny! He tolerates my excessive hairspray use with a little role of the eyes! He's a man who tells me I'm beautiful when I'm feeling not so beautiful. He shares a passion of the Spanish language and culture with me. He supports me. He makes me laugh when he tries to order my grande, decaf, non-fat french vanilla latte! He's my fashionista! He's my travel buddy. He's a laid back man who deals with my fast-pace, over-organized self! He's a loving, fun and hands-on dad to our boys. He changes poopy diapers like a champ! He prays with me and for me. Most importantly, he's the godly leader of our family. He makes me want to be a better wife & mother. In the end, I want him to say of me, "many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." (Proverbs 31:29). He challenges me in my relationship with God. I am blessed to be doing life with a man who is truly amazing. Aside from my relationship with God, my relationship with my sweet husband is my most valued relationship. We may not have a perfect marriage, but we sure have a great one! With God at the center, we've built a pretty fantastic life together!
I thought it would be fun to include some pictures from the last 9 years we've known each other! They're not in chronological order because I'm not quite sure how to move pics! Still a lot to learn on this blog thing! I love you, Matthew Glaze! ¡Besitos!

I wear it proudly! My Husband Rocks!!!!

Big Sky, Montana...2004 

To be young again! Birthday January 2005

China with Matt's uncle & cousins...August 2004 (Hong Kong, Beijing)

Our first mission trip together! Nicaragua 2005

Engaged in Nicaragua! One of my most precious memories! 

Friend's wedding...June 2005

Engagement pic! 2005

Honeymoon, San Diego, CA


Matt's first birthday in Texas! Sept. 2008

One proud wife! Graduated from ATC school! 

My funny man! August 5th, 2006

Stealing a kiss! 

One lucky girl!

Our first home! Houston, TX. February 2010

First home!

First Family picture of three! Birth of Carter Matthew Glaze. June 21, 2010

Adding to the family! Carson Jay Glaze. November 24th, 2011

Romantic getaway just the two of us! Huatulco, 2013
A little gift we brought back from Mexico! Arriving November 2013

Our marriage still rocks! Thank you, Jesus!