Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Welcome Sweet Kinley Nicole!

   I'm finally getting around to posting about the arrival of our precious baby girl.  With three kids and company around, my to-do list seems to sit a little longer than I'd really like it to! Welcome to a household with three kids three years of age and younger!
   Kinley Nicole Glaze made her appearance on a pretty cool date: 11/12/13.  I was scheduled to be induced on the 13th but she decided she was going to come on her own, praise God!  It was quite an eventful night. My water started breaking around 5:15 that evening and Matt and I were in the car and headed to the hospital by 5:30. But of course before we got in the car I needed a belly picture and family picture!! :)
One last belly picture before we leave! 39 weeks

And one last family picture of 4!
My contractions were 3 minutes apart the entire way to the hospital. All that was on my mind as we were driving was, I better make it in time for an epidural-the only "plan" on my "birth plan!" Give me the juice, I'm a weak woman, nothing to prove!! By the time we got into the pre-labor/delivery room it was 6:00.  Why is it that the nurses don't believe you're in labor, even though I told them my contractions were 3 minutes apart and my water broke? I watched the clock move while waiting for the nurses to come back and knew that my sweet girl was getting more anxious to get out. When a nurse finally returned I told her, calmly, that my second child came in two and half hours after my water broke. Please hurry!! Their eyes were big and they immediately moved me and started paperwork/blood work to get my epidural.  They were very efficient and fast and knew that I was counting on the epidural. However, my worst fear since my first baby came true. No time for an epidural! No crying, no screaming. I was in shock!! I guess I was doing this thing another way! At that point, all I wanted to do was get this girl out of me!! In 2 big pushes she was out!!! I did it! My biggest baby, no epidural! And I was still alive and feeling great! She came in record time, an hour and 19 minutes from the time we got to the hospital til the time she was born.  If, a big IF, there is a next time, I'm going to camp out in the hospital parking lot from 37 weeks on!
Kinley Nicole Glaze- 8lbs 9oz 20 inches

She was perfect! She may have made me sick the entire pregnancy but it was all worth it! She is such a sweet baby.  She has settled in and lets her proud big brothers get in her face with kisses and hugs! Carson likes to point out all her features: eyes, ears, nose, & mouth! They love her!!! It was so fun having them come to the hospital to meet her for the first time.  I knew Carter would be interested and excited, but was unsure as to how Carson would react to her. He hasn't been as interested during the pregnancy, but of course, he's not even two.  Needless to say, I was surprised to see Carson was the first up on the bed with mommy and baby with a smile ear to ear! It was precious to have all three of my babies in my lap. All I could do at that moment was thank Jesus.
I love these three!!

Most precious kodak moment!! I love the looks on their faces!
This one is getting blown up and framed!

Matt's parents were here so they got in on the hospital fun! It was so helpful to have help with the boys while they were here. We weren't stressing about who would watch the boys once I went into labor.
Dave and Judy

I'm sure many of you have seen pictures on facebook but below are some other pictures of the first few days of Kinley's life! Matt and I are beyond blessed and thankful for our growing family. We are also so appreciative of the prayers and well wishes. God is good!

Brand new! 

Daddy and his princess!
Kinley with her special bear from mommy and daddy
We're going to have all sorts of fun with bows and tutus! 

You mean we get to take her home with us?!

My sweet Carson!

My oldest and youngest

My sweet,sweet boys!! I love this picture!

Hugs goodnight before boys head home to bed!
Ready to go home & see my brothers!

Big brother celebration! Balloons for the boys!

Big brother gift! He was surprised, to say the least! 

Playing with their big brother toys! Carson was excited about his jet too!
Can't believe we have a girl! 

Matt was such a big encouragement when I was sick
during this pregnancy. I love that man with my whole heart!! So glad
he gets the honor of having a daddy/daughter relationship. It truly is something special!

We're Home and Loving It!


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Celebrating Baby Sister!

Yesterday my friends threw me a fabulous, very girly, very pink baby shower!! I told Jo-Ann all she needed to do was paint her living room walls pink! Everything girly is still so new to me so it's very exciting. I think I'm almost still in shock that we're having a girl. As soon as the boys went to bed last night I pulled everything out of the bags and laid it strategically on the floor in her nursery to look at and ooooh and awe over it all. She's going to be a very well dressed little girl! I'm going to have to change her a few times a day just so she gets to wear everything.  I'm thinking every diaper change she may need a new clothing change/bow change!
Thanks again to everyone who came out yesterday to celebrate our sweet girl. I am BEYOND blessed by every single one of you! 

Auntie Bonnie and Cousin Cami came to celebrate with me!

Standing by the beautiful display

It's a girl!

The pinwheel theme was perfect!!

Yummy food by Stacy and Michelle

Lots of chatting

Stacy, Maria and Michelle

Cami, Andrea, Terri, Rita and Margo


Angela and Maria

So pretty!!!

Can't wait to see her wear all of this stuff

Of course she needs girlie books!

Love the heart on the tooshie!

Ballerina Puzzle!

"Awesome like Auntie" onesie!


Sweet group of friends! Missing those who couldn't make it....

Thank you to all who came out to celebrate!

Master event planner/decorator!!(Oh, and encourager as I shopped and shopped and shopped for the perfect dress!)

Love for the baby bump!

Stacy and Jo-Ann

Millie! Known her since we moved here!

THANK YOU Michelle, Stacy and Jo-Ann for all the work you did to make this day so special! Love you all!!

Tutu for baby!