Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Chore Chart Tutorial

  I can not believe that I haven't posted a single thing since Carter's birthday last June!! I'm horrible at keeping up with this blog. Jeesh!
  So I have been writing down ideas, recently, that could help me out with running my household once baby number 4 comes (4? Really? I'm going to be a mom of 4?! I'm a little nervous!!). Now, those of you who know me know that I can be a little crazy when it comes to home organization and schedules/routines.  All my friends are well aware of the excitement I feel over my household binder! Anyway, the one thing that is lacking is consistent help from my boys. I felt the need to find the perfect set of chores for each of them, along with a pretty chore chart! When I started to look for chart ideas, I was not happy with how they all looked so "kiddie," flimsy or just plain cheesy. I wanted something classy! Weird, I know, but again, I'm a little crazy! So after searching "classy chore charts" in Pinterest I decided to do a combination of a few that I found.  I must say that I am very happy with how it turned out and that I can proudly display it in my kitchen! I thought I would share the steps and photos- it was extremely easy to put together! It took only 45 minutes to put together, and that includes dry time for the paint on the letters and hanging.

I bought the board from Hobby Lobby for $20

Each jar was $1 at Hobby Lobby
Letters were 30% off at Hobby Lobby so I think they ended up being about $1.70 or something
Trying to figure out placement before I painted letters black
Voila! I glued the letters and jars on with my glue gun...sure hope it stays! :)
Both boys have a To Do jar and a Done jar.  
The boys' list of chores that will go in the jars! Per Matt's suggestion, the boys will not be getting money for picking up toys at the end of the night! 
View entering kitchen! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Now get to work, boys!! Except, well, we can't start in the middle of the week. We have to start Monday at the beginning of a week! CRAZY! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Carter's 4th Birthday!

Ok, I know I'm late, but better late than never, right?! This coming from the momma who just bought a baby book for her 8 month old! :)
 When I asked Carter who he wanted at his birthday party he quickly replied: mom, dad, Carson and Kinley.  I went through his friends' names but he was sure he just wanted a "family" party.  Easy enough for me, as we were just getting back from North Dakota anyway.  My cousin Morgan was here so she helped me decorate so that it would still be special for Carter.

Of course he wanted another soccer theme! 
If you haven't discovered Etsy yet, you need to check it out! This banner is courtesy of a shop on Etsy

Because Carter wanted another soccer party, Matt was already trying to figure out what kind of cake to do. No, I do not do cakes. I do well ordering cakes, but not decorating. We won't even get into the fiasco of Carter's 1st birthday! :)  Matt saved me and from then on I put him in charge of the kids' birthday cakes! What a man! So anyway, because the only thing that was on our television was the World Cup Matt decided on a World Cup cake.  He did great and Carter was super excited! 

We had a great day together celebrating our 4 year old! There is definitely a jump from 3 to 4 and he seems more grown up.  He is always quick to tell people that he is 4 now! I love our little man! He's such a tender hearted, loving, high energy, helping, creative, soccer-loving boy! What joy he has brought to our family!